Author Details
Enlarrging the company’s strategy for manoeuvring technological resources Ensuring technologies are used efficiently, profitably and securely Evaluating and implementing new systems and infrastructure
Personal Profile & Skills :
#Enterpreneur #2x Founder #StartUp-Scaler #Self-Learner #First-principles #Grit #Humility #HungerForLife #Native-Capability #Problem-solving #Gold-Medalist #Awarded-Scholarship
"As a seasoned leader with over 16 years of experience, I believe that the success of the organization lies in developing high performance leaders, creating a culture of collaboration and ensuring that customer success is the key success point of Any business."
Core Working Area :
#PaaS, #SaaS, CRM/BPM, #IOT, #Team, #Growth, #Hiring, #Leadership, #Enterpreneurship, #Startups, #AI and #Cloud #UI/UX # Digital #Transformation #Change-Management #Native-Capability #Problem-solving #Brand Management
Certification Details :